12 Point Pool Maintenance Checklist

12 Point Pool Maintenance Checklist

When the sun is high in the sky and the wind feels like a blow dryer on your face, there’s nothing like the blessed cool blue of your private pool. If you’ve only just recently become a pool owner, you may be weighing your options: should you hire someone to juggle...
5 Secrets Weapons for DIY Projects

5 Secrets Weapons for DIY Projects

Is there a home maintenance project that’s been lingering on your to-do list for too long because you’re dreading the trip to the hardware or craft store? There are some projects you can tackle with items that are almost certainly already in your home. Vinegar:...
Maximizing Your Outdoor Space

Maximizing Your Outdoor Space

You’ve found the perfect home and it has everything you’ve ever dreamed of. Spacious, modern kitchen. Gloriously open floor plan. Giant bedrooms. Great location and neighborhood. The only downside is the backyard is slightly smaller than you’d hoped. But no reason to...
City of Glendale, CA

City of Glendale, CA

Glendale is a city in Los Angeles County. The estimated population of Glendale in 2014 was 200,167 (United States Census Bureau – Retrieved May 23, 2015). This population makes Glendale the third largest city in Los Angeles County an the 23rd largest city in the State...
5 Tips for a Healthy Chimney Flue

5 Tips for a Healthy Chimney Flue

For many people in North America, the weather outside is still pretty frightful, but a fire is so delightful. That is, as long as their flues are in good shape. Homeowners, especially in their first home, may not realize how much maintenance a flue requires if it’s...